I'm an illustrator and graphic designer based in Berkely, Ca. I've worked in a variety of mediums of art for the past fifteen years, and find that illustrating and designing are my favorite. Through these mediums, I am able to utilize my strength in noticing details to bring images to life.  Whether it's a clever juxtaposition of lighting, a contrast between two opposing elements, or a personal detail such as a family pet or hobby I like to create pieces that people look at, and then look again. I want to capture the essence of your business, event, or family!


For the past three years I've been creating commemorative pieces for families. These pieces of work truly are some of my favorites. As a person, I'm incredibly nostalgic and I take pride in capturing both the elements and the essence of family memories in one place. If you check out my work, you'll see some images I've done for my own wedding and Christmas cards. I always try to catch the contrasts between my wife and I, and I hope that when people receive our cards they appreciate the artwork - but also laugh because it reminds them of us! I put the same care and detail into the work I do for each client that I do when working for my own family! 


I'm also a pop culture fan. And, as a child of the 80's and 90's you'll see a lot of nods to eighties cinema in my work. Check out my most recent series of prints in which I take merge images of actors as two different characters. I have fun with these images, and hope they make you smile!


If you have any questions about my work or would like a quote for a project, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.
